Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar Panel Maintenance Is Important To Ensure That Your Solar PV System Runs At Maximum Efficiency 365 Days A Year. 

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Solar Panel Servicing & Maintenance

Looking after your solar panels ensures they run at their optimum output year-round. At Electrical Energy, we recommend an annual service for your system to ensure that it’s in full working order and rectifies any faults or potential issues.

Our team can offer solar panel cleaning, panel repairs/replacements, fix faulty electrical invertors & much more. When investing in a Solar PV system, ensuring it runs as efficiently as possible is always best.

If you would like to find out more information about Solar PV maintenance & servicing then you can call our team on: 01772 439036, 01253 966086 or email us on

Commercial Solar Panel Maintenance

Commercial solar panel installations stand out in the rapidly evolving energy landscape as a testament to sustainable energy practices. However, like all equipment, these panels require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Proper care maximises return on investment and safeguards the environment by ensuring efficient energy production.

Dust, debris, bird droppings, and even snow can accumulate on the solar panels’ surface, inhibiting their ability to absorb sunlight effectively. A reduction in light absorption can lead to decreased energy output. In commercial settings, where energy demands are higher and consistent power generation is crucial, even a small percentage drop in efficiency can translate to significant financial losses.

Beyond cleanliness, routine inspections are paramount. These check-ups ensure that the mounting systems are secure, the wiring is intact, and the inverters are functioning properly. Electrical connections can become loose over time, and inverters—the devices that convert solar-generated direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) for building use—can malfunction. Early detection and repair of these issues prevent larger, more costly problems down the line.

Moreover, periodic maintenance also plays a role in warranty preservation. Many solar panel manufacturers offer extended warranties, but they often mandate regular maintenance as a condition. Adherence to these stipulations can ensure warranty coverage.

In conclusion, commercial solar panel maintenance is more than just a best practice—it’s a necessity. It ensures efficient energy production, prolongs the system’s lifespan, protects financial investments, and upholds warranty agreements. Given the sizable investment and the overarching goal of sustainable energy generation, maintaining commercial solar arrays is non-negotiable.

Home Solar Panel Maintenance

Maintaining solar panels at home may seem daunting, but it’s a straightforward process, ensuring homeowners reap the maximum benefits from their renewable energy systems. With residential solar installations becoming increasingly common, understanding the basics of home solar maintenance is imperative for ensuring efficiency and durability.

While cleanliness is essential, monitoring the system’s performance is vital. Homeowners should regularly check their system’s energy output through their monitoring system or monthly utility statements. A sudden drop in energy production might indicate a problem.

Although residential solar systems are designed to be low-maintenance, regular attention can prevent minor problems from becoming major issues. This is why we recommend an annual system check. If you would like to find out more information and arrange a full check up of your solar PV system, contact our team today!

Types Of Solar Panel Maintenance

The Benefits of Home Solar

There are many key benefits to having solar panels installed on your home, the most significant being the vast reduction of your monthly electric bills. Below are just a few of the benefits & advantages of a solar PV system. 

Cost Savings

Solar panels enable homeowners to generate their own electricity from the sun’s energy, reducing reliance on grid electricity and lowering electricity bills.

By producing clean, renewable energy, homeowners can save money in the long run, particularly as electricity prices continue to rise.

Return On Investment

While installing solar panels has an upfront cost, they offer a favourable return on investment over time. 

The savings on electricity bills can offset the initial investment, and in some cases, excess electricity generated can be sold back to the National Grid, earning additional income.

Energy Security

Solar panels provide a degree of energy independence by allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity on-site. 

This reduces dependence on the grid and can provide a more reliable source of electricity, especially during power outages or emergencies.


Reduce Carbon Footprint

Solar panels generate clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants. 

By using solar power, homeowners can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to reducing climate change.

Want To Know How Much You Can Save With Solar?

Some Of Our Available Packages

We have a range of packages available to suit your needs. If you want to find out more about a package, the installation process, or the benefits of a solar PV system for your home or business, feel free to give us a call. 

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